We have an active Senior Adult Ministry at Brown Trail. We call ourselves the “Amazing Grays” and both words seem to fit rather well! The purpose of our ministry is four-fold:
- ENCOURAGEMENT: We want to lift each other up through frequent fellowship opportunities. We have pot-luck dinners, brown-bag lunches, game nights, and cookouts. We also have a “Buddy Phone Tree” program in which we call each other every few days just to talk. Not only do we encourage each other, we want to encourage others, so you might find us helping to prepare care packages for college students, armed service members, first responders, or shut-ins.
- ENTERTAINMENT: Being together with fellow Christians just to enjoy each other’s company is an important part of church-life, so you might find us playing 42, Skip-Bo, or chicken foot. Or, we might take in a local high school play or musical.
- EDUCATION: Each person in our group has invaluable life experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and God-given talents and abilities. What a blessing to be able to share all of that with others! So if you need help with your computer or smart phone, someone can help you. If you need some tips on gardening, sewing, or meal preparation, someone can help. What’s more, we want to deepen our understanding of God’s word, so we’ll study together, too.
- EVANGELISM: Above all else, we want our “Amazing Grays” to reach out to friends, neighbors, and family members, invite them to our activities, studies, Bible classes, and worship assemblies. We want others to come to know Jesus just like we have. We want others to enjoy the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ.
If you are 60 years old or older (or even if you’re close to 60), join us for our next activity! Consult the church calendar for details.